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Trulee Inspired Yoga


  • Tune in to your body and increase the mind/body connection

  • Connect more deeply with your baby

  • Increase the endurance, flexibility and strength needed for childbirth

  • Learn breathing techniques that will serve you in labor (and parenthood!)

  • Explore coping strategies

  • Decrease stress

  • Practice guided imagery and reshape your internal dialog


What to Expect:

You can expect each session to be a balance between breath work, active stretching, strength building, mindful moments, and relaxation. We will explore tools to prepare your body and mind for the birthing process. We will create space for self care, connecting with your unborn child, reflection, and offer an extended savasana. We will also cultivate space for you to focus on yourself as a human being. Pregnancy is all-consuming. It is important to remember that you are a whole human and to make time to meet your personal needs.


prenatal yoga


  • Progressively explore movement as you return to a more active state

  • Improve sleep

  • Decrease stress, anxiety and depression

  • A welcome and safe space to connect with your mind and body with or without your baby present

  • Restores hormone balance

  • Strengthens core and back muscles and helps with posture

  • Assists in removing physical and energetic blockages in the body


What to Expect:

The postpartum body may not be anything like the pre-pregnancy body. Postpartum is a journey through and to your new Self. In postpartum yoga, you can expect to find moments of gratitude for the power of your body, explore postures with curiosity and awareness and reconnect with yourself. Though you must be cleared for physical activity by your midwife or doctor before beginning any form of exercise, there are tools and techniques we can begin implementing as early as two weeks postpartum (e.g., breathing, gentle movements, meditation). The class structure will vary depending on your birth experience, your healing process, and how long ago you delivered.


Trauma and Addiction Informed


  • Learn to tolerate sensations and establish safety in your body

  • Improves sleep

  • Decrease stress, anxiety, and depression

  • Decrease dissociation

  • Improve emotional resiliency

  • Increase confidence

  • Honors/encourages boundaries and strengthens decision-making

  • A welcome and safe space to connect with your mind and body

  • Assists in removing physical and energetic blockages


What to Expect:

Trauma Informed Yoga is a pathway to reconnecting with your whole Self and exploring the mind/body connection in a safe and nurturing environment. In Trauma Informed classes, you can expect predictability and routine. I understand how difficult it can be to reconnect with your mind and body post trauma, and therefore, every offering is merely a suggestion. Our main focus is on regulating the nervous system, resourcing and grounding, and observing the breath. There is no music and sequences are cultivated mindfully to focus on strength and stability while avoiding postures that may feel vulnerable. If you are in the yoga space, you are doing yoga and that is enough.


All Abilities


  • Visualization engages the regions of the brain that involve perception and motor planning

  • Improve coordination

  • Enhances functionality of both sides of the brain

  • Decrease stress, anxiety, and depression

  • Decrease dissociation

  • Improve strength, flexibility, and balance

  • Increase confidence

  • Explore your mental and physical edge while introducing  and allowing for controlled sensations

  • Enhance the ability to  imitate and make eye contact

  • Assists in removing physical and energetic blockages in the body

  • Increases breath awareness and proprioception

  • Conducive to healthy aging


What to Expect:

This is your yoga done your way! I have extensive experience in creating and teaching classes for individuals with physical, mental, and emotional variations. Yoga is for everybody and everyBODY. All private classes are tailored specifically to your goals and designed around your needs. Whether you are spry and looking for a challenge or completely immobile, I can design classes specifically for you. I have taught yoga to veterans with prosthetic limbs and teenagers in wheelchairs. I have taught individuals with autism and those who cannot hear. I can teach seated, lying, and chair sequences. We can focus on asana or explore the other limbs of yoga. My point is if you think you can't do yoga, but it is something that you are interested in reach out and let's see what we can create, together. 


Kids and Family


  • Decrease stress, anxiety, and depression

  • Improve emotional resiliency

  • Increase confidence

  • Honors/encourages boundaries and strengthens decision-making

  • Teaches the ability to connect with your mind and body

  • Plants seeds and teaches tools for life

  • Promotes positive brain development

  • Regulates involuntary functions such as heartbeat, blood circulation, regulating the endocrine system, thinking, etc

  • Increased body awareness

  • Builds self regulation skills

  • Improves motor skills

  • Gives children a space too feel safe and loved


What to Expect:

Kids yoga inspires young minds to connect more deeply with themselves and teaches self-regulation tools that strengthen resilience for life. Classes are themed based on topics that are relevant to the age range of the participants. You can expect to experience breath work, asana/movement, mindfulness, opportunities for interaction and connection with peers, as well as games and activities. Stories are often shared as well. Every moment of our classes are intentional and play a significant role in encouraging little humans to be resilient, loving, connected, and self-aware.


Group Yoga Sessions:

 Group yoga sessions are available for every category listed above. Some group session ideas are included below, but please reach out if you have an idea I may be able to help facilitate. 


  • Yoga in schools

  • Yoga for kids in scouts or clubs

  • Corporate team building

  • Employee appreciation

  • Yoga at retreats/camps

  •  Trauma informed yoga for first responders

  • Special events

  • Yoga for addiction and recovery

  • Resilience for those who are unhoused

  • Classes for foster care and behavioral health facilities

  • Yoga in prisons and correctional facilities

  • Public classes

  • Fundraising


Prices and Packages

Private Yoga Sessions:

Private yoga sessions take place in the comfort of your own home or virtually. They are designed specifically for you. Every aspect of each class will be designed around your needs. 


Single Private Yoga Session: $80

4 Private Yoga Sessions:  $288 ($32 savings!)

8 Private Yoga Sessions: $570 ($70 savings!)


Yoga is a wonderful gift to place on your registry! 


Group Yoga Sessions:

Group yoga sessions start at $100 per session.

Reoccurring yoga sessions may qualify for discounts.

Please contact us to discuss your specific needs.


* All payments are made before the first session takes place. Please note that there may be a slight price increase depending on travel distance.


 © 2024 Trulee Inspired, LLC

Nurturing Life's Journeys

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